SavingTeens guides teens and their families toward a brighter future by providing a comprehensive, multi-phase solution that incorporates both financial and emotional support throughout a 12-24-month process of evaluation, intervention, and education.
We listen. We share resources.
We offer opportunities. We SAVE teens.
We believe in making treatment affordable and accessible for teens in crisis
Approximately 60.1% of adolescents with major depressive episode did not receive treatment.
Key Figures 2004 – 2019
Program Partners
Educational Consultants
For Families
You’re not alone. SavingTeens is committed to providing emotional and financial support to families who are struggling with a teen in crisis.

Teen Programs
If your teen received a recommendation to attend a therapeutic program for their diagnosed substance abuse, mental health, or behavioral issue, you might be a bit overwhelmed at all the available options. Determining the best course of treatment for your troubled teen is a complex decision. There is an ever-expanding array of programs to choose from and although they all have a similar purpose, there are significant differences between them.
SavingTeens requires families to work directly with an Educational Consultant to develop a partnership focusing on the best “next step” for your teen. Educational Consultants are experienced professionals committed to helping your teen achieve their greatest potential. They work directly with teens, their families and their medical team to provide support before, during, and after placement. Their placement recommendations are unique and based on the needs of the teen.
SavingTeens has the capacity to fund an average of 15 troubled teens per year. As the number of scholarship requests increase, we must raise additional funds to adequately service those in need. Your donation today increases our scholarship resources and our ability to provide a total solution to troubled teens and their families.
Need Help?
If you have a teen in trouble, learn more about our application process.
The Road to Recovery